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Showing 1 - 12 of 19 items
Anthurium (Zara x Michelle) x forgetii
I sold a few of these as very small seedlings and they're growing up so nicely that I'm releasing a few more. Super pretty silver veins with a nice co...
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Anthurium AOS x papillilaminum
This hybrid is a must for any Anthurium collector who's looking for dark and velvet. I like to play the game of picking out traits from the parents an...
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Anthurium carlablackiae (GPH001 x self) x forgetii dark
Carlablackiae GPH001 is iconic for a reason. And this self of Alex Papa's is one of the nicest selfs I've seen: such clear veins and a perfect heart s...
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Anthurium Dark Phoenix x Zara f4
Plant Zaddy Therapy
Anthurium Dark Phoenix x Zara f4
I have a little thing about velvets crossed with pretty veins - it can make for such a stunning plant! I'd love this hybrid to show the classic Dark P...
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Anthurium forgetii x Jack of Clubs
Jack of Clubs is a Tezula hybrid of (carlablackiae x magnificum) x forgetii. You can see the parent photos in the last photo. I sold some props of thi...
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Anthurium HU / King of Spades
It's a classic. If you don't already have a HU/KoS in your Anthurium collection then you need one! And if you have one you need two... I could go on. ...
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Anthurium Jungle Giant
I don't see many of Barry's plants in the UK yet. It's high time we did as he has an incredible garden (ah, to live in Florida and be able to grow out...
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Anthurium Panamama 2.0 x self (papillilaminum x dressleri)
The reason you'll often see papillilaminum x dressleri called 'Panamama' is because this is the name Jay Vanini named his OG hybrid. He then created i...
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Anthurium papillilaminum (Ree Gardens x LB) x besseae aff
Plant Zaddy Therapy
Anthurium papillilaminum (Ree Gardens x LB) x besseae aff
I've seen a few papillilaminum x besseae aff hybrids and they do not disappoint! The mother plant is a cross of 2 papillilaminum, Ree Gardens and Long...
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Anthurium papillilaminum Daniel x luxurians
Anthurium papillilaminum Daniel x luxurians
I’ve been wanting to make this cross since my pap Daniel first started flowering. I’ve seen some amazing pap x lux hybrids and had never managed to ad...
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Anthurium papillilaminum Long x Long Bullet f2
Papillilaminum Long and Long Bullet are both clones belonging to Scott Cohen. And they are delicious, as are the many crosses of the two including the...
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Anthurium papillilaminum RA6 x (RA1 x RA5)
Rooted Rarities
Anthurium papillilaminum RA6 x (RA1 x RA5)
A pap crossed with a pap that was crossed with a pap. That's a good cross! It was made by Rooted Rarities (tap on their name in the title to find out ...
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