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- Anthurium papillilaminum (Gatorbod x A+)
Anthurium papillilaminum (Gatorbod x A+) by Burgal House Horticulture
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- Description
Gatorbod is a cross of two of Paul Marcellini's papillilaminum clones: Gatorskin and Dadbod (he wins the prize for best names every time). Put Gatorskin and Dadbod together and you get Gatorbod! This cross between it and another papillilaminum clone, A+, was done by Burgal House and it's got such potential!
I sold a few as small seedlings and have been growing some out. They're proving to be as dark and velvety as you'd expect from a papillilaminum. With a nice variation between them too. This is what (well, one of the things) that I love about paps - they're all individuals.
- Growing conditions
The seedlings are currently in a propagation tent which sits around 20-24 ºC with humidity around 90% RH. Click here to read my blog on how I grow from seed. The parent plants generally appreciate higher humidity so the seedlings may too. You should still be able to acclimatise down to household conditions once it's established. But be aware it may give you some funky leaves as it gets used to its new conditions.
- Quality assurance
All plants come with a plant passport or Northern Ireland Plant Health Label. Where necessary plants have been acclimatised after import for at least a month and only listed when they have new growth.
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